Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ressurection, of sorts

As happens oh so often, I abandon this blog some time ago. Quite a bit of living has gone on since then- I took a 'real job' as a chemist in a pharmaceutical company and ran out of time to blog. I went back into the workforce because my partner was having a hard time finding decent work in her field after the company she worked for went under. So even though the work was 3rd shift and over an hour away, off I went.


Sometime in March 2010 I got sick. A topic for another blog perhaps. Not sick enough to kill me, but sick enough that by the end of May I was on sick and by July/August I could no longer work at all. I still struggle with my health but I have settled into an OK place.

So now I'm reviving old projects and hobbies. I'm entering contests more, reading and working on saving every penny I can. These are some of my favorite past times. I know there are FAR more review blogs out there then any one population of consumers could possibly care about, so I won't be going that route here.

In the future I plan to provide some tips on how I get so many items for free, how I win contests, how I save money. Friends are always saying "teach me, show me" so I will. Hopefully I will learn a bit myself along the way!!

- Jess

1 comment:

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.

Thanks for entering my giveaway contest!